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Deadline November 15, 2018
Dear Fellow Protein Society Members,
I am writing to remind you of one of your privileges and benefits as a member of the Protein Society, which is the opportunity to nominate deserving colleagues for The Protein Society’s prestigious awards. Awards will be presented this year at our Annual Symposium in Seattle, Washington, from June 30 – July 3, 2019. 
Protein Society members can submit nominations for Annual Awards through Thursday, November 15, 2018. These awards recognize excellence across the diverse disciplines that collectively advance our understanding of proteins; their structure, function, design, and application. Members can nominate for the following awards:
  • The Carl Brändén Award honors an outstanding protein scientist who has also made exceptional contributions in the areas of education and/or service to the field. Honorees receive a cash prize thanks to the generous endowment by Rigaku Corporation.
  • The Christian B. Anfinsen Award recognizes technological achievement or significant methodological advances in the field of protein science. Honorees receive a cash prize thanks to the generous endowment by The Protein Society. 
  • The Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin Award is granted in recognition of exceptional contributions in protein science which profoundly influence our understanding of biology. Honorees receive a cash prize thanks to the generous endowment by Genentech.
  • The Emil Thomas Kaiser Award recognizes a recent, highly-significant contribution to the application of chemistry in the study of proteins. Honorees receive a cash prize thanks to the generous endowment by The Protein Society.
  • The Hans Neurath Award seeks to honor individuals who have made a recent contribution of exceptional merit to basic protein research. Honorees receive a cash prize thanks to the generous endowment by the Hans Neurath Foundation. 
  • The Stein & Moore Award is named for Nobel laureates Dr. William Stein and Dr. Stanford Moore. The award recognizes eminent leaders in protein science who have made sustained high impact research contributions to the field. Honorees receive a cash prize thanks to the generous endowment by The Protein Society.
  • The Protein Science Young Investigator Award, named for the academic journal of the Society, recognizes a scientist within the first 8 years of an independent career who has made an important contribution to the study of proteins. Honorees receive a cash prize thanks to the generous endowment by Wiley.

Charles L. Brooks III

President of The Protein Society