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IUBMB Plenary Lecture

Dr. Thomas Langer

Max Planck Institute for Biology of Ageing, Germany

Título charla: “Proteolytic control of mitochondria in ageing and disease”

Patrocina: International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (IUBMB)

Severo Ochoa  Plenary Lecture

Dra. Pilar Cubas

National Centre of Biotechnology-CSIC, Plant Molecular Genetics Department, España.

Título charla: Strategic decisions: dormancy and activation in plant axillary buds.

Patrocina: Sociedad Española de Bioquímica y Biología Molecular (SEBBM)

FEBS Worldwide Plenary Lecture

Dr. Gerard Ian Evan

Francis Crick Institute and Professor of Cancer Biology at Kings College London, England.

Título charla: Where cancers come from and how to make them go away?

Patrocina: Federation of European Biochemical Societies (FEBS)

PABMB Plenary Lecture

Dr. Timothy Springer

Harvard Medical School, USA.
Título charla: Integrins: Environment recognition machines activated by ligand binding and actin pulling.
Patrocina: The Pan-American Association For Biochemistry And Molecular Biology (PABMB)

Osvaldo Cori Plenary Lecture

Dra. María Inés Becker

Biosonda S.A. Fundación Ciencia y Tecnología para el desarrollo, Chile.

Título charla: Hemocyanins of mollusks, giant microscopy used in biomedicine and biotecnology: Exploring their structure whit relation to their mechanisms of action on the immune system of mammals.