Annual Meeting Update
Through this monthly update, we share new programs taking place at the Biophysical Society Annual Meeting as well as any schedule changes. Below you will find information on the Awards Symposium and Public Affairs events.
Awards Symposium Talk Titles Announced
Tuesday, February 14, 2017, 10:45AM – 12:45PM
A highlight of the meeting is the Awards Symposium. This session gives attendees an opportunity to learn about outstanding research spanning the field of biophysics. The talk titles for the session are listed below.
Founders Award: Donald E. Ingber, Harvard University
From Mechanobiology to Human Organs-on-Chips and Mechanotherapeutics
Michael and Kate Bárány Award: Ahmet Yildiz, University of California, Berkeley
The Mechanism of Dynein Motility
Kazuhiko Kinosita Award in Single-Molecule Biophysics: Shin’ichi Ishiwata, Waseda University
Fifty Years of Doing Research with Kazuhiko Kinosita, Jr.
Margaret Oakley Dayhoff Award: Julie S. Biteen, University of Michigan
Understanding Molecular-Scale Biophysics in Cells with Single-Molecule Imaging
Anatrace Membrane Protein Award: James U. Bowie, University of California, Los Angeles
Folding Complex Membrane Proteins
Avanti Award in Lipids: Sarah L. Keller, University of Washington
The 2nd Periodic Invaginated Vesicle Award
Biophysical Journal Paper of the Year Award: Eva-Marie S. Collins, University of California, San Diego
Dynamics of Mouth Opening in Hydra
CRISPR from a Policy Perspective
Sunday, February 12, 2:30-4:00 PM
As scientists interested in public outreach and policy, we must step back from the research for a moment and think about the issues raised by the ability to easily edit genes. The panelists in this session will discuss the ethical and policy issues raised by CRISPR-Cas9, what the role of government (national and international) should be in regulating the research, and if/how public opinion is part of the decision-making process. Panelists include Henry Greely, Center for Law and Biosciences, Stanford University; Jessica Tucker, Office of the Director, NIH; and Debra Matthews, Bioethics, Johns Hopkins University.
Setting Standards for Data Sharing: Community by Community
Sunday, February 12, 7:00-9:00 PM
Data management. Data sharing. Repositories. Sound familiar? There is growing demand to make the data used in research available to other scientists to accelerate the pace of discovery and allow for reproducibility. This sounds simple enough, but what data should be shared and how? To support research communities in developing and adopting data sharing guidelines that work for them, the Society is hosting this workshop to bring together communities that are at various stages of that process so that they can share information and learn from each other. During this inaugural workshop, the discussion will focus on modeling, small-angle scattering, NMR, and EM. Panelists include Helen Berman, Rutgers University, Nigel Kirby, Australian Synchrotron, Cathy Lawson, Rutgers University, Guy Montelione, Rutgers University, and Torsten Schwede, University of Basel.
NIH Grant Writing Workshop
Tuesday, February 14, 1:00 PM – 3:30 PM
Whether you are a first-time applicant or a scientist with long-standing NIH funding, it is important to stay abreast of the latest changes to the NIH extramural grant process. At this session, NIGMS program directors and officers with expertise in biophysics will be providing details on the NIH grant review process as it stands in 2017, including the recently adopted requirements for rigor, reproducibility, and data management. The panelists, all from NIH, include Jean Chin, Susan Gregurick, Peter Preusch, and James Mack.
Abstract Programming Notice
Programming notices were sent to presenting authors via email on Tuesday, November 22. If you submitted an abstract by the October 3 deadline and did not receive a notice please contact the Society at
Reserve Your Hotel Room
The Biophysical Society has secured a housing block across several hotels in New Orleans. As a meeting attendee, it is important for you to book your hotel room in the BPS housing block to guarantee the best accommodations and most competitive nightly rates, especially in the event of overbooking or construction. Convention Housing Partners is the official housing bureau of the Biophysical Society.
Have Science You Want to Share? Submit a Late Abstract!
There is still time to present your research at the meeting. Submit a late abstract before the January 9, 2017 deadline. View submission instructions and submit your abstract now.
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Visit the BPS Annual Meeting website for complete schedule and program updates.
