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Lorena Lobos-Gonzalez trained as a Biochemist in the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaiso. She got her Master in Biochemistry from the Universidad de Chile under the supervision of Dr. Amalia Sapag and then her PhD with Dr. Andrew Quest working at the same institution. In her PhD thesis she contributed to development a new in vivo surgery model that permitted studying the dual role of Caveolin-1 as a tumor suppressor and promoter of metastasis. Her studies were the first in the literature to show directly the dual role of Caveolin-1 in an in vivo model. During her PhD training period, Lorena did a research stage in England at St George’s Hospital, University of London in the lab of Dr. Dorothy Bennet (PhD), where she studied the role of CAV1 in different tumor and melanoma cell lines. In 2012, Lorena was awarded a PIA project to work in the Fundación Ciencia y Vida as a postdoctoral fellow in the lab of The Dr Luis Burzio, whose interests focus on the  development of novel therapeutic approaches for the treatment of different types of cancer based on the knockdown of noncoding mitochondrial RNAs. Thanks to these studies, Lorena obtained several important publications and, importantly, the data obtained in the in vivo studies in animals permitted moving on to testing the pharmacogenics in a phase I study in the USA, approved by the FDA. In 2014, Lorena was awarded a Fondecyt de Inicio (Young Investigator Award) to study the role of exosomes in promoting breast cancer metastasis and identifying the exosomal miRs and proteins involved.