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In his career he has shown a constant interest in topics of biophysics, biochemistry and molecular biology focused both on the fundamental understanding of living beings, and the development of applications against infectious diseases and antibiotic resistance.
He did his PhD at the Catholic University of Leuven, investigating enzymes and metabolism of trypanosomatids under the advice of Paul Michels (2000-2005). Then, for two years he worked as a postdoc in Carlos Bustamante’s laboratory at the University of California at Berkeley.
Now as head of the Laboratory of the Single-Molecule Biophysics laboratory at the Faculty of Sciences of the Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia his research projects focus on the regulation of gene expression and protein folding, with special interest in the bacterial stringent response and the transcription machinery of Mycobacterium tuberculosis .
Since 2013 he has worked as a consultant for the Peruvian national system of educational assessment and acreditation (SINEACE) and the Ministry of Education for the design of the national standards and curriculum for primary and secondary schools in the area of Science and Technology.
In this year 2018 he leads the founding board of the new Peruvian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, which will hold its Inaugural Symposium from March 1 to 3, 2018.