The Department for Molecular Biology (Director: Patrick Cramer) at the Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry in Göttingen, Germany, invites applications for a
Scientist “Biological Electron Microscopy”
The scientist will be involved in cutting-edge integrated structural biology projects that use single-particle cryo-EM. He/she will operate a stably running FEI Titan Krios electron microscope equipped with direct detectors. The candidate will train structural biologists in the use data collection and processing and will prepare the user schedule. The scientist may also strengthen our efforts in cryo-electron tomography. We look for a team-oriented person who interacts closely with members of the Cramer laboratory and with other experts at the institute. The candidate holds a PhD degree in the natural sciences and has demonstrated relevant expertise. We offer a stimulating environment with English as the working language.
The scientist position is initially for two years and intended to become permanent. The payment and benefits are based on the German TVöD guidelines. The Max Planck Society is committed to increasing the number of individuals with disabilities and encourages applications from such qualified individuals. The Max Planck Society seeks to increase the number of women in those areas where they are underrepresented and explicitly encourages women to apply.
Please send your application as a single PDF file including a cover letter describing your background and motivation, your CV, list of publications, and contact information for two referees to:
The application deadline is November 30, 2018.
Informal enquiries may be sent to:
Information is found here:
Facebook: cramerlab
Twitter: @CramerLab
Selected recent publications from the research group:
S. Schilbach, M. Hantsche, D. Tegunov, C. Dienemann, C. Wigge, H. Urlaub, P. Cramer.
Structures of transcription pre-initiation complex with TFIIH and Mediator.
Nature. 2017, doi:10.1038/nature24282.
Farnung L, Vos S, Wigge, C, Cramer P.
Nucleosome–Chd1 structure and implications for chromatin remodelling.
Nature. 2017, 550, 539–542.
Nozawa K, Schneider TR, Cramer P.
Core Mediator structure at 3.4 Å extends model of transcription initiation complex.
Nature. 2017 May 11;656(7653):248-251.
Kohler R, Mooney RA, Mills DJ, Landick R, Cramer P.
Architecture of a transcribing-translating expressome.
Science. 2017 Apr 14; 356(6334):194-197.
Engel C, Gubbey T, Neyer S, Sainsbury S, Oberthuer C, Baejen C, Bernecky C, Cramer P.
Structural Basis of RNA Polymerase I Transcription Initiation.
Cell. 2017 Mar 23; 169(1):120-131.e22.