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Luis Morales Quintana studied Engineering in Bioinformatic at the University of Talca and received his degree in 2009. He performed a PhD in Science with mention in plant genetic engineering from the University of Talca and received the degree at 2013. In 2014, he obtained a postdoctoral position in University of Talca through a program of insertion in the academy of CONICYT (PAI/Academia), where now work as professor at the Institute of Biological Sciences.

His research main topic focuses in the study of molecular aspects in the formation and degradation of plant cell wall. The strategies used involve: structural bioinformatics, biochemical characterization, kinetics studies, and functional genomics. To describe genes, proteins, enzymes and how they modulate the response to different events occurring in the plant cell wall. It has also been approached the study of enzymes involved in the study of quality traits of fruits, specifically in biosynthesis of volatile compounds related with aroma in strawberry and mountain papaya fruits.