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Omar Borsani obtained the undergraduate studies in Agricultural Engineering at the Universidad de la Republica (Uruguay) in 1993 and received the title of Master of Science in 1998 (PEDECIBA). He got the degree of Doctor of Science by the University of Málaga (Spain) in 2002 in a topic related with salt and osmotic stress tolerance mechanisms in models and cultivated plants. After that he has profited postdoctoral stays at Dept. Botany of the University of California-Riverside and Dept. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of University of Malaga (2002-2006). He is currently Full Professor of Biochemistry and Plant Physiology at the Department of Plant Biology of the Faculty of Agronomy (Uruguay). He leads of “Abiotic Stress in Plants” Research Group and coordinates the National Agricultural Biotechnology Network. His work has contributed to understand new mechanisms involved in the abiotic stress tolerance in plants with focus in the transference of this knowledge to plant phenotyping applied in the breeding programs.