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Dra. Claudia Quezada is Biochemist from Universidad Austral de Chile and PhD in Molecular Biosciences at Universidad Andrés Bello. She is currently Associate Professor and Principal Investigator of the Molecular Pathology Laboratory of Sciences Faculty at Universidad Austral de Chile. Her research line is related to the study of multiple drug resistance and adenosine signaling in stem cells of Glioblastoma multiforme. The year 2013 won the national prize for research University “Cure and Prevention of Cancer”. She has published in major journals such as Medicinal Aspects of Medicine, Oncotarget, Journal of Neuro-Oncology, J. Cell Physiology, etc., showing the role of various modulators of drug resistance in the treatment of glioblastoma. She has executed 20 international and national grants as the principal investigator or coinvestigator (FONDECYT, FONDEQUIP, FONDEF, ANILLO, FIDECNO). She has directed 17 graduate and 5 undergraduate theses, is faculty member of several PhD programs, as well as national and international societies.