Jennifer Lippincott-Schwarz, HHMI Janelia Research Campus
Robert Singer, Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Robert Tjian, University of California, Berkeley
You are cordially invited to participate in a new Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory meeting on Single Biomolecules. The opening session will begin at 7:30 pm on Tuesday, August 28 and the meeting will end after lunch on Saturday, September 1, 2018. As currently planned, the program will have eight sessions devoted to oral presentations, together with two poster sessions for presentations which cannot be accommodated in the formal sessions. Selection of talks for the oral sessions will be made by the organizers in conjunction with the session chairpersons, from the submitted abstracts.
- Super Resolution Imaging Modalities
- Live Cell Single Molecule Imaging: Biomolecular Dynamics & Forces
- Tracking Single Molecules in Living Organisms
- Biomolecular Self Assembly and Weak Interactions
- In Vitro Single Molecule Imaging: Dynamics and Assembly
- Developing Probes for Biomolecular Imaging
- High Resolution Imaging of Organelle Dynamics
- Biomolecular Processing and Turnover
Patricia Bassereau, Institut Curie, France
Anne Bertolotti, MRC LMB, UK
Carlos Bustamante, University of California, Berkeley
Steven Chu, Stanford University
Ibrahim Cisse, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Maxime Dahan, Institut Curie, France
Xavier Darzacq, University of California, Berkeley
Abby Dernburg, University of California, Berkeley
Johan Elf, Uppsala University, Sweden
Judith Frydman, Stanford University
Hernan Garcia, University of California, Berkelely
Jeff Gelles, Brandeis University
Thomas Gregor, Princeton University
Taekjip Ha, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Erika Holzbaur-Howland, Perelman School of Medicine/University of Pennsylvania
Daniel Larson, NCI / NIH
Wesley Legant, Janelia Research Campus
Michael Levine, Princeton University
Zhe Liu, HHMI/Janelia Research Campus
Markus Sauer, University of Wuerzburg, Germany
Jens Schmidt, Michigan State University
Laura Waller, University of California, Berkeley
Bin Wu, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
X. Sunney Xie, Harvard University
Ahmet Yildiz, University of California, Berkeley
Xiaowei Zhuang, HHMI/Harvard University